Business Opportunities
The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport (BRD, Brainerd Airport in Minnesota) has a dual role in driving the economy. First, to offer top-notch air services for BRD businesses that connect to the Brained Lakes Region, including leasing and commercial opportunities. Second, to cultivate valuable properties that entice prospective tenants and provide employment opportunities.
Whether your business development needs involve a commercial logistics hub for distribution, a small office complex, or convenient access to regional air travel, BRD is the preferred destination.

Request for Qualifications:
The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Commission, operator of the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport, is issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for qualified parties interested in providing Airport Master Consulting services at the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport. To obtain a copy of the Request for Qualifications, please contact Steven Wright, Airport Director, at 218-825-2166 or emailing A copy of the request will also be posted on the Airport webpage. Submission of the qualifications packet is due on or before 2:00 p.m. CST on October 25, 2024.
Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport property currently available for lease:
Leasing of Airport property is subject to the rules, regulations, and policies of Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport, Crow Wing County, State of Minnesota, and the Federal Aviation Administration.
- Building on Appendix A
- Building has access to Runway 16/34 & 05/23
- 65-foot x 63-foot hangar, totaling 4,019 sq. feet of space
- Hangar has a 64-foot wide by approximately 22.5-foot-high, bi-fold hangar door
- Primary use of the facility shall be for aviation activities. Examples of such include FBO services, Aircraft Management, A & P repair services, avionics services, flight training, private or corporate hangar activities, aviation research and development, aviation education/technical training and other aviation related businesses. These are examples only and not meant to restrict any other appropriate aviation related activity.
- The successful Respondent must be insurable to the levels required by BRD. Commercial Aeronautical Operations have additional requirements, as stated in the Airport’s Schedule of Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities.
Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport offers:
- Access to downtown Brainerd: approximately five (5) miles away via Highway 210.
- Well-established infrastructure.
- Maintenance, repair, and overhaul sites, plus aviation facilities.
- Direct access to the airfield.
- De-icing facilities designed for larger aircraft.
- Existing hangar locations with space for potential future hangars.
- Currently working with area economic developers to attract new aeronautical businesses and airport tenants for the development of additional land along Taxiway A.