Development Opportunities
The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport has room for your business to grow. Land is available for private hangar construction and aviation-related business development. Existing hangar space is also available for lease.
The Brainerd Lakes Area is an ideal place to watch your business succeed. The region is home to a vibrant economy and a population that is expected to triple in the next 20 years — factors that have spurred much land development throughout the area. The Brainerd Lakes Area is the up-and-coming region within the state of Minnesota, rising to the ranks of a Micropolitan region. Taxes remain below the average for the state, creating a key incentive for businesses choosing to locate in the region.
For more information on new hangar construction or aviation-related business development at the Airport, contact Airport Administration.

Car Rental Companies
Other Organizations
- NorthPoint Aviation
- NorthPoint Aviation Avionics
- AW Research
- Brainerd Helicopter Service
- Civil Air Patrol
- DNR Tanker Base
- North Memorial Air Care
- Life Link III
- Wings Café
NorthPoint Aviation is the full service Fixed Base Operator (FBO) for the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport. In addition to fuel (100LL, Jet A), de-icing and maintenance services, NorthPoint Aviation provides: flight training, charter flights, air rides, and friendly customer service. The qualified staff includes pilots, mechanics, flight instructors, and line service technicians. Other services include: GPU, heated hangar space, washes/waxes, ground services, and lav services. Click here to learn what other services NorthPoint Aviation provides.
NorthPoint Aviation Avionics is the only Avionics facility in Minnesota that offers Avionics sales and service, in-house instrument repairs and overhauls, and in-house custom instrument panel fabrication, all at one convenient location. Click here to see what NorthPoint Aviation Avionics has to offer.
A.W. Research Laboratories, Inc. offers a fully automated analytical laboratory and a staff that consists of limnologists, biologists, wetland scientists, land use planners, chemists, and remote sensing experts. This combined perspective of looking at environmental issues from both chemical and aerial points of view identifies solutions that would otherwise go unnoticed. Click here to learn more about what A.W. Reasearch Laboratories does to help preserve our water resources.
Brainerd Helicopter Service provides charter flights in Minnesota and surrounding areas. Click here to learn what other services Brainerd Helicopter provides.
The Crow Wing Composite Squadron meets at the Airport weekly, Mondays at 7 pm. This group is active in Aero Space Education, Emergency Services, and Cadet Programs, the three main emphases of the Civil Air Patrol. Click here to learn more about the Civil Air Patrol.
The Brainerd DNR Air Tanker Base is located on the east side of Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport near the approach end of Runway 34. It operates under the direction of the Minnesota Interagency Fire Center (MIFC) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
The Brainerd Tanker Base has a ramp large enough to park several firefighting aircraft, including the FireBoss, Single Engine Air Tanker and various aircraft, up to and including a the DC-10 Air Tanker. The Base is equipped to load foam, water, various gel products or fire retardant into any aircraft that is used for wildland fire suppression. Typically 2 contractor owned FireBoss’s are located here during fire season along with an Air Attack plane for the tankers and a helicopter.
The Base is staffed seasonally with the level of fire danger dictating the amount of aircraft and staff on base.
The Brainerd Tanker Base has its own RAMP FREQUENCY (120.125) that should be used when entering the RAMP. Please note that only aircraft related to fire suppression operations are allowed onto the ramp for safety reasons.
North Memorial Air Care provides flight transportation service and critical care flight nurses and paramedics to respond directly to the scene of an emergency. Air Care crews provide a variety of training opportunities for emergency care providers – at both the volunteer and professional levels. To learn more about the care North Memorial Air Care provides click here.
Click here to learn more about what steps Life Link III takes to provide safe and effective air medical transport.
Discover convenient, private-jet catering for both cabin and crew through Wings Café’s onsite restaurant with take-out or dine-in, from-scratch menu items. They are open to the public for breakfast and lunch. A small meeting room can also be reserved.